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And while that works for some writers, trying to get the visibility for a novel amongst the sheer numbers of other writers all attempting the same thing is never going to be easy. With so many publishers and agents having closed their lists for submissions, many writers feel that the only option is to go down the self-publishing route. She is the author of multiple novels, anthologies, graphic novels, and film scripts, including the internationally bestselling THE ATLAS SIX from Tor Books. Science fiction has traditionally been a unique kind of intellectual pleasure, a process of glorious intercommunication and inspiration, with ideas flowing from scientist and engineer to writer and artist, to reader and viewer, back and forth, in a delightful mélange of shared. The submissions guidelines say, 'We have an open submissions policy and consider tens of thousands. We publish books at the heart of science fiction and fantasy. Needs: Tor/Forge says it has an open submissions policy. … know how frustrating it is for non-published authors to try to get their work into a traditional publishing house. Website URL: Twitter: torbooks Description: Tor Books is a publisher of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller and Suspense, and Other Speculative Fiction. Agentless authors, rejoice! The editors at Pan Macmillan imprint Tor UK “have decided to throw the doors open and invite writers to send their novels in.” In a blog post, Tor UK editorial director Julie Crisp explains the reason for the policy shift: Sign up for the the Tor.com Publishing newsletter with updates and other information about Macmillan Publishers books, products and services that may be of.

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